Myth, Legends, Monsters and More
Dreamtime,-Mankind is asleep
Elizabeth RoJanuary 3, 2024Burrowed deep in any myth or legend there is a reflection of Truth. We walk in the Dreamtime, owing this all to the Rainbow Serpent. The photo above shows an ancient drawing in Australia of the Rainbow Serpent. The Rainbow Serpent represents the Aboriginal myth of dreamtime which is a statement to the present-day human condition. If you notice in the drawing the serpent is cartilaginous and less rigid than the dense skeletal structure we humans possess. This flexible density allows the serpent to embed itself into the human body.
As the Australian Aborigine myth goes, when the Rainbow Serpent entered into our very being we humans entered into the Dreamtime. It can be said that before then we had the Tree of Life (heart) to eat freely from. In tying together two myths: One from Australia and one from the Bible, the Dreamtime came about when we ate of the Tree of Knowledge (brain). We did this with the help of Lucifer (other names include, rainbow serpent, dragon, forked tongue, Beelzebub etc.) In both legends the female is representative as the gender that initiated the shift by following Lucifer’s lead. At this point our brain accelerated knowledge but in the Dreamtime or Upside Down and Backwards. Science affirms the phenomena of the shift that occurs when impacts penetrate our body and this coincides with Adam and Eve’s seeing light and knowingthemselves after eating from The Tree of Knowledge. The brain became engaged and we lost our connection to the Divine Hierarchies. This is Dreamtime…”We walk in the Dreamtime”
“And We Got To Get Ourselves Back To The Garden”
Once we are able to restore control to the heart, we will be able to oversee the brain's activities. The plan was never one that would make us surrender our human life form to any other being and the small percentage of the brain we now use will be expanded under the control of the heart. Most ancient spiritual traditions, including Judaism from whence Abrahamic traditions rise, acknowledge the heart as the original brain/mind.
Many disciplines contribute to our reawakening but the prime mover is Self-Realization/Insight where one is able to “observe from within” and “learn from within” via the organ of the heart which affects us through feelings (heart), not senses/emotions (brain). As we gradually grow through Insight we labor to free ourselves from the more primitive form of spirituality of innocent little children and enter into virtue by becoming “Joint Heirs” (Initiates) where We own ourselves and Self-sacrificing Service to humanity reigns supreme.
Art plays a major role in the action of the heart. Notice how a piece of art creates a breath pattern before the subtle nuances of knowledge of who, what, where, etc., kick in. One just relaxes and views or listens while entering into the experience or expression the artist wishes to convey. Haiku poetry is an excellent example of art/heart. In requiring 17 syllables to make up a Haiku poem (no metaphors, please) the Haiku master is able to create a snap-shot photo of an event that is co-experienced by the reader. The 17 syllable discipline relates to the breath in that 17 syllables are equal to one breath. It’s a perfect example of how the breath can move us out of senses and into feelings (Insight). Therein lies the answer and mystery to breath and Insight and
Leaving Lucifer.
I realize this is not a familiar subject for most people. We are trained to react to the word Lucifer with a negative emotion but the true value of the knowledge I speak is liberation from the constant volley of emotions we move back and forth in. This movement only embeds the control deeper and makes the day of liberation beyond our reach. It’s like a barbed fish hook. The whole purpose of the barbed hook is to drive the hook deeper and deeper as the fish fights desperately to break free. One does not have to look far from themselves to observe this effect. I write this now because we need to be something more than fish on hooks. There is a place as Rumi states, “beyond the right doings and wrong doings…I’ll meet you there”. Like it or not that is where we must meet and share our knowledge to aid in transformation.
Here’s a simple exercise I would like to share that can help any individual become more awake. Likes and dislikes. Take this theme with you throughout the next week and ponder its meaning. What/who do you dislike/like? See if you can catch yourself in a moment of either one of those emotions and if possible simply become aware of your breath-the motion of life. Don’t change anything, just see if you can observe that moment. You might be surprised with what you personally discover. And guess what? That is yours to keep. That moment is not owned by anyone else and one flicker of awakeness can change your life.
Myths, monsters and legends are trying to tell us something about our human condition. Rather than go back and forth with emotions like vanity, fear, sensuality or sex we must find that field that is “beyond the right doings and wrong doings”. We women share a great responsibility in this shift because we were the ones in our human life wave that began our Lucifer journey. We shouldn’t be angry about blame (there’s that barbed hook!), rather we should see how all the blame society has heaped upon us stops us from ever realizing how dynamic we are. This dynamic is meant to unify rather than create more emotions. Actually, the blame game delays liberation-intentionally or ignorantly; it is a stall tactic from ill-intentioned rogue elements in our universe. Ill-intentioned on their part and Self-ignorantly (dreamtime) on humanity’s part.
A woman began it; a woman will end it. Arcane legend
Sloan BashinskyWrites Sloan’s Newsletter
Any mystic, who writes or speaks of personal experiences and perspectives, is out of the mainstream box.
I am steered, corrected, spanked, rescued, and redirected ongoing by angels known in the Bible. I know I am not smart enough to make this journey alone. I have met many people on this path, some farther along than others. I concluded that at some point in time it is necessary to wean from a spiritual teacher to make further progress. I never had a human spiritual teacher, but I knew many people who did, and it was very difficult for them to leave their teacher, who had basically taken up residence in their psyches, whether they realized that or not.
Something else I learned along the way, the hard way, is Evil is very real, by whatever name it is called. Demons and less malevolent but opportunistic extraterrestrial beings exist, and they infiltrate people unawares. Demons become especially interested in people who are moving closer to God by whatever name, and by whatever religion or spiritual system, and such people can be easily swayed to think something is from or in sync with God, when it is not.
That said …
I’m pretty sure the Australian aborigines had and went in an out of dreamtime almost like breathing eons before English people and their Anglican or whatever Christian sect came to Australia and started trying to subdue and convert the heathen aborigines to Christianity, and the more the aborigines allowed themselves to adopt the invaders’ ways, the more disconnected they became from their old ways and dreamtime, to the point that there remain very few aborigines who are still living in the old way, which was and remains utterly incomprehensible to white people in Australia, and elsewhere.
An American white woman named Marlo Morant wrote MUTANT MESSAGE DOWN UNDER about her serendipitous walkabout with a tribe of aborigines, some of whom had remained in the wild and the old ways, and the others had tried living in Australian civilization and the new ways, and had found they were losing their essence and they returned to their tribe In the wild and their essence began returning. The tribe called themselves The Real People, and they called civilized people Mutants, because they did not live in the old way. The Tribe told Morgan that they had stopped reproducing and were leaving the planet to the Mutants, whom they wished well.
I had been mystic for about 5 years, and I was riveted by Morgan’s book, which was not well received by white people in Australia, nor by indigenous people. Morgan refused to disclose anything about where the tribe might be. She self-published the book out of her basement. I spoke on the telephone with her son, who said they were using a copying machine in his mother’s basement and were barely keeping up with book orders. A large American publishing house acquired the rights to the book and republished it as fiction, and Morgan wrote a preface explaining that was the publisher’s decision, because nothing in it could be verified, and readers could take that for what it was worth.
Morgan’s later books- sequels - didn’t seize me, and I wondered how well what she had learned from the tribe in the wild had stuck with her after she returned to civilization and started getting rich and famous and even more rich and famous in America and beyond there?
In 1995, what I was involved in Colorado imploded and I left America and spent a while trekking in Nepal, and had a life-changing experience one morning at Annapurna Base Camp, 15,000 feet elevation, when the sun came up over Fish Tail Mountain and lit up several towering snow-covered peaks across from Fish Tail. A huge, black, blacksmith appeared in front of the peaks, and I went down on one knee and I heard the blacksmith say, “The son and I are one, the son and I are one.”
Walking up to the base camp, I had nearly turned back, because I was exhausted, cold and wet, and that night in a small inn, I dreamed of being on a bicycle pedaling up the south side of Red Mountain from Homewood to Birmingham, Alabama, where I was born and raised. On the top of Red Mountain is a huge statue of a blacksmith named Vulcan. In the dream, I turned the bicycle around and was headed back down the mountain toward Homewood and lost control of the bicycle and the dream ended. On waking, I understood I needed to keep walking up to Annapurna Base Camp.
Some months before in Colorado, I had dreamed of a huge, terrible back storm coming my way, and then I saw in the dream a great, black, blacksmith. Later that day, I had vision of being laid face up on a huge back anvil in a red hot furnace and above me was the blacksmith with a huge black hammer in his right hand hammering me on the anvil. Then, a poem leaped out of me as fast as I could write it. What I remember of poem is the beginning, “I am the blacksmith, this storm is my forge; you are my carbon gemsteel that I hammer into my black diamond laser sword.”
The clues were all around that the blacksmith was the Christ, but I did not grasp the clues then, nor at Annapurna Base Camp.
In the Gospels, Jesus had said that he did not baptize in water, but in fire he baptized, and before that, John the Baptist had said that one greater than he would come and baptize in fire and in spirit. A baptism seldom mentioned in Christendom, which likes the water baptism much better.
Anyway, I trekked down from Annapurna Base camp, and a Nepal airline flew me back to Kathmandu where I had begun my adventure in Nepal. From Kathmandu, I flew, with several stopovers, to, Darwin, Australia, where I learned that city was named after Charles Darwin and I got the notion that maybe Darwin had gotten in backward, in that humans had devolved from monkeys.
I stayed in a youth hostel and booked a three-day outback trip into Kakadu, where some of the first Crocodile Dundee movie was filmed. There were 8 white clients and two white male guides, all about half my age, I was 53, and we used two Land Rover like vehicles to leave Darwin. I quickly learned that white Australians have two speeds: all ahead full and dead stop. By around 10 p.m., I was exhausted in the back of one of the rovers, as we were going about 60 m.p.h. on a washboard-surfaced dirt road toward a campground in the outback.
Out of nowhere from dreamtime, a male and a female aborigine somewhat younger than me were with us in the back of the rover, except only I saw them. It was my custom then to ask sprit beings that show up, what did I have that they wanted? So, telepathically, that is what I asked these two aborigines. They laughed, said, “We are real people, what could you possibly have that we would want?” Totally embarrassed. I recovered and said they had a good point, and asked why they had come? They said, “We came to welcome you into our tribe.” Then, they went back into dreamtime.
On the third day of the outing, we saw an ancient rainbow serpent painted on a rockface, which was very simple in design. I had planned to stay in Australia a good while, roaming about. I wanted to go to Alice Springs and see Ayers Rock, which was sacred to the Aborigines. Then, I read an article in a local newspaper, about aborigines protesting whites being able to see Ayers Rock without paying money to aborigines. I thought that was really messed up. Just ban white people from Ayers Rock, I thought, and didn’t want to be part of it.
Eating dinner at an outside restaurant in Darwin, I wondered what I was supposed to do? The restaurant had a music system. The next song was, “The Age of Aquarius.” The next song was “Sweet Home Alabama.” The next day, I booked an Australian airline to Sydney. I called the youth hostel there, and they said they had one bed available and they reserved it for me.
After checking into the hostel and putting my backpack on my bunk bed, I went back to the front desk and asked if there was a restaurant or pub nearby, where I could get a meal and drink a couple of beers, and not get my old ears broken by really loud music.
In a dream during the trek up to Annapura, I was told i could start drinking beer again. For several years, I could not drink anything alcoholic, it made by gut and liver scream at me. So, after I came down from Annapurna, I had a couple of Japanese beers one night over dinner, and I felt okay the next day.
So, I get to the pub in Sydney and I walk in and Sweet Home Alabama is playing on their music system. The next day, I booked a flight to Los Angeles, from which I would fly to Birmingham, to try to live like a real person in my hometown, and, as it would turn out, in several other places.
It was not all very pretty, it was never very easy, sometimes it was awful, and beyond terrible. A lot of it is told in bits and pieces in books I later wrote, which now are free reads at the free internet library, I told a lot of it in a lot of episodes of the free, ad-free The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast, which the free library’s Torrent has, as do all Torrent platforms, and YouTube has them. I found the free library and Torrent users are far more interested in something different, than are mainstream book readers and YouTube users.Elizabeth RoeI read Mutant Message and enjoyed it very much. Several of my friends met her years ago and found her to be a genuinely kind and warm person. I did read that she recanted her story but it didn't matter to me because it contained many good points for humanity. It did no harm and helped further promote the idea of our need to be self-aware. We all have our experiences and that is what we share as our knowledge grows.Your stories are so interesting, Sloan. Thank you for sharing all this.Sloan BashinskyThanks, Elizabeth, I had not heard or read Marlo recanted anything in Mutant Message Down Under, and I just now looked online and did not find anything saying she recanted. If you have what you read, where she recanted, I would like to see it.Sloan BashinskyI found this below at Wikepedia. If Morgan faked the entire story, I hate to think of the karma for that. Unfortunately, what she described of the tribe and its reluctance to mingle with modern civilization seemed dead center spot on, and all that I have read elsewhere of the aborigines and seen movies about them, left me feeling something precious had died when they were contaminated by white people and their religions and ways. Meanwhile, what came from dreamtime to visit me in Kakadu? :-)*********************************According to the 90-page report published by the Perth-based Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation, a survey of Aboriginal groups in Central and Western Australia failed to uncover any indication whatsoever of Morgan's presence in the area or of the existence of the "Real People" tribe. They claim that Aboriginal groups believe Morgan's desert journey to be fabricated and that her book and teaching lack credibility. The Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation stated that it was deeply offensive to Aboriginal people for a white person to be misrepresenting Aboriginal culture for self-promotion and profit. Aboriginal people expressed anger that Morgan's false message is being accepted as fact by a naive American and European market and were extremely concerned about the resulting long-term implications for their culture.In 1996 a group of Aboriginal elders, seriously disturbed by the book's implications, received a grant to travel to the States and confront Morgan about her book and to try to prevent a Hollywoodisation of it. She admitted publicly that she had faked it but this received little publicity in the USA. The Aboriginal people are angry that this book continues to be promoted and sold widely because it gives a false picture of their traditional culture and of their current political and social status. This is regarded as damaging to their struggle for survival.[2][3]
Sloan BashinskyI commented under your earlier “Leaving Lucifer” post that Archangel Michael told me in a dream in the fall of 1995 (shortly after I returned to America from Australia), that it is very easy to mistake Lucifer for the Holy Spirit. As I was descending from Annapurna Base Camp about a month earlier, I was told I had a strain of Lucifer in me, and I spent the rest of my time in Nepal trying to figure out what that meant, and maybe that’s what Michael tried to clear up for me after I returned from Australia to Birmingham, but I didn’t understand it.
If I had understood it, I might have made a very different property settlement with my third wife, who lived in Colorado, which I had felt was inspired in me by the Holy Spirit, which led to my becoming homeless for a good while. That aside, I then had many personal encounters with Lucifer in myself and in other people, and in human social, political and religious systems, and I came away convinced Lucifer did not and never had humanity’s best interests at heart. I also remain convinced, regardless of whether Morgan made up her tale, that every Mutant should read it and take it to heart :-)
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