Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Christ-Mass - A perhaps different view of Melchizedek and the Melchizedek Priesthood


Melchizedek star

    Except for a few short walks outside yesterday, Christmas Day, I stayed in my apartment, my dinosaur version of “home alone”. I watched parts of three professional football games, and not wanting to feel like a totally zoned out television couch potato, I wrote something up about Melchizedek and Melchizedek priest training and posted it into the Reddit r/spirituality forum, wondering if anything might come back? 

    In the past, what I posted into that forum seemed to attract very young people in the soul development sense. I didn’t see posts by other people, who seemed to have left the baby pool for the shallow end of the spiritual swimming pool. Occasionally, I saw a comment under someone else’s post, which seemed to have depth. I don’t mean that as criticism, because I remember very well when I hung out in the baby pool and thought I was eating meat but was still sucking a milk bottle.

    Here’s what I posted into that forum on Christmas Day, and what came back, and what I replied, and what they replied, and so forth and so on.

    A perhaps different view of Melchizedek and the Melchizedek Priesthood


I’m 81. I am not LDS(Mormon). I was born into Christianity, and after a while I stopped attending church, and later became interested in the New Age, and that didn’t work, and one day I prayed for God to help me and I offered my life to human service, and not long after I woke and saw two beings I figured was angels hovering above me in the dark, and I heard, “This will push you to your limits, but you asked for it and we are going to give it to you,” and I remember the prayer, and then I saw a white flash and was physically jolted by something electrical and then twice more, quickly, and the beings faded out, and my body was shaking and sweating. Thus began for me, what I later was told and shown in mostly grueling phases, that I was being brought into the Melchizedek priesthood, somewhat described in the New Testament letter to the Hebrews, which says Jesus is high priest in Melchizedek, which is an angelic Order.  

I was told Melchizedek comes to a planet in trouble, to prepare the it to receive the Christ, and Christ does not come to a planet without Melchizedek, and Mary Magdalene was of the Order Melchizedek. The author of Hebrews is generally thought not to be St. Paul, as their writing styles differed greatly. The letter was written to Jews, who had accepted Christ, but were falling away because the discipline was so difficult. The author tells the audience they should be teaching, they should eating meat, but they are still drinking milk, and warns them of the peril of leaving the path and urges them not to turn away from the cleansing of the Lord. 

The discipline is administered from the Spirit by the Melchizedek Order to some people the Order has cut out of the herd. The Order has nothing to do with human religious sects. The people chosen are put through endless rough tests, which use the goings on of this world as gists for the mill and coal for the furnace, which those people come to know all too well. Their views of everything are changed by the discipline. They become in, but not of, this world. They know they are conscripted, captured, and the grave peril of turning away from the path they have been given.


Okay, so what are you going to actually do though?


This is an anonymous forum, which limits my telling you much about me specifically, which is described in quite a few books I wrote, which are free reads online and in a podcast I do, and on blogs where I wrote thousands of pages. What happened with me, and with the three people I know, who themselves were conscripted by the Order- 2 men and 1 woman- was, first, we were removed from our paradigms, cut out of our herds, and stood before many mirrors. We experienced a lot of not of this world phenomena, light and dark. We were put through arduous, terrifying internal healings conducted by what we understood were angels. We were given to continue relating with the rest of humanity in ways and places we already were situated or where we were relocated. We were anomalies, speaking and writing and behaving against the grain. We were “the minority report". People we knew wondered that had happened to us, had we lost our minds, been taken over by the devil, depending on their spiritual orientation, or lack thereof. That’s still what I do. it’s my job. I do it for free. Charging money, or anything, is not allowed.


What does being a Melchizedek Priest entail? Tell me about yourself, your beliefs, duties, requirements? If you have the inclination, no pressure. If there's any sites that explain it well, that'd be great! If there's any gnostic type views, I find that angle interesting too.


Thank you. First, see my reply to Superb Tiiger above. I thought about how to answer you in a way that might be more specific, and landed on recommending you read The Spear of Destiny, by Trevor Ravenscroft; Acts of the Apostles, about Paul and Peter’s transition; anything about the life of Mother Theresa; St. John of the Cross: Alchemist of the Soul, by Antonio T. de Nicholas. I recommend the film about Francis Assisi and Claire, Brother Sun Sister Moon. People conscripted by the Melchizedek Order become gnostics in the having direct communion with the spiritual realm sense. They are very interesting to the demonic realm and are targeted by that realm. Conscripts soon start feeling like they are not from this planet, but are stranded here, having to deal with what life on this planet serves up; the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly.

I’ll give you an example of how I see something horrible. Gaza. It’s entirely rooted in the three Abrahamic religions’ history. Unable to defeat Israel militarily, Hamas figured out how to punch every last button in Israel’s hard-right leadership and the Israel military, hoping to provoke Israel to do what it is doing in Gaza, and thus turn the entire world against Israel, except, so far, America, whose Bible thumpers will not tolerate politicians who abandon Israel, which defends the Bible thumpers' so-called holy land, where Jesus was born and Jewish leaders had him crucified, according to the New Testament. I have been pushing that view in online forums for weeks, and have been getting slammed plenty.


Ty, I appreciate the reply.


I dont want to know the specifics. How are you going to help others? will you feed the hungry? give shelter to the homeless? Will you do anything of substance to help better humanity?


I bailed several people in dire financial straits, to the extent I ran out of money and became homeless and lived on the street off and on for years. Then, I came into another inheritance and did it again. Then, I came into another inheritance and this time, I helped a few people in need, gave some of it to my children and their children, and kept the rest of it to look after me in my old age. I don’t care to live on the street a third time. 

When I lived on the street, having practiced law, I was a steady voice at city and county commission meetings, and in local media, for more tolerance and compassion for homeless people, even as I cut homeless addicts no slack, telling them they were destroying themselves and their relationship with God. Where I was then, homeless people tended to believe deeply in God, perhaps more than the mainstream people who wanted them to be deported or run out of town by local law enforcement. I spent many moons and seasons, trying to get local governments to provide a homeless shelter for homeless people, and affordable housing for people about to go homeless, and to stop being in greedy real estate developers pockets. 

I must have spoken at a thousand local government meetings during that time. I got kicked out of the homeless shelter (which my lawyer and me had forced the city to build) because of what I wrote at my blog about how the shelter was run, and I saw homeless addicts would be better of dead, than continuing to kill themselves and their souls with their preferred drugs - mostly booze. I slept months of nights in the local police station front lobby, because they had to let me sleep somewhere. It was on the front page of the local newspaper.

All along, I was writing about my journey with God at blogs, for anyone to read free, who were interested in such matters. Today, people can read for free about 10 books I wrote about such matters, and watch the free podcast a friend and I do about such matters. All of which I pay for, and for my friend’s efforts, as he does the tech work, and he, too, is conscripted, but he is half my age and has a lot more things to offer down the road than I do, other than the writings and podcasts I will leave behind. 

This is supposed to be a spirituality forum, I think. The spiritual path contains many parts, and many times I heard it is best not to start on it, if you do not intend to stick with it.


“The Order has nothing to do with human religious sects” is a demonstrably untrue statement.

in the presentation given here, this is a specific LDS phenomenon. while Catholics say their clerics share the priesthood with that guy as modeled by M., they don’t have a specific “order”.

and don’t get started on the ces letter that demonstrates all the aspects of that edition that are.. problematic.. with scholarship.

but hey what’s this chick in white who helps bring hope to the world doing delivering this message…

well she’s in this world and embraces it while tap dancing backwards in heels on her path.

won’t recommend it though. heels are a bad idea for this one with fubar joints. probably worse for your messed up knee, but that’s just a probabilistic statement.


I’ll say it another way, the Melchizedek Order has to do with everything on this planet, and some religious sects claim to represent the Order, but the Order represents and serves God by any name called. Catholic, Episcopal and, I think, Lutheran priests in training, are ordained after the Order Melchizedek forever, by their priests. Mormons have their version of Melchizedek priests in their priesthood. People conscripted by the Order can belong to a religion, or not. Once they are conscripted, there lives cease to be their own, and while it might take them a while to recognize that, they come to see it, and yet they do have the choice of bailing out and living with the consequences of that.


you’re speaking to one who knows the call to service very well. and she serves any who ask for her help without needing to be afraid of any thing or any deity.


I’m different. I live in constant concern about stepping outside my training and spiritual guidance, which comes in sleeping dreams, waking sensations and revelations, and dreams other people have about me. I came to fear crossing God. I did it many times, and was zapped something awful, in ways ordinary people cannot imagine. Then, I was picked up and patched up and redirected. I deal with demonic forces ongoing, not in the spirit realms so much, like some shamans do, but through their human proxies, some of whom know what is driving them, and many do not know it.


do you consider this one evil or demonic or otherwise influenced that way?

this is a sincere question.


If you mean you, I can’t say, because we only just met, so to speak. What I can say is you seem pretty sure of yourself and you say you don’t fear any deity, and I have a very different experience. I do know that Evil, Lucifer, by whatever name called, becomes interested in people as they move closer to God, and more so, who are making Evil’s work more difficult. Evil is cut off from the Source, by choice, and thus feeds on other beings, especially their emotions, and so causing strife, war, for example, creates food for the demonic realm. I was told by Archangel Michael in my sleep in the fall of 1995 that it’s very easy to mistake Lucifer for the Holy Spirit, which is the female side of God -Shekinah in Judaism.

If you have a good spiritual guidance system, which steers, corrects and redirects you when you need that, then you probably are doing pretty well. If you are out there alone, with no human back up, so to speak, there is more risk to being sidetracked, ambushed, without realizing it, so there needs to be more caution and waiting for the resident spirit guidance to intercede, has been my experience. Of course, some things happen quickly and there is no time to wait. But if there is time to wait, go about it more slowly, has been my experience.


so to be clear, friend, this one prefers to refer to herself in the third person. she rather likes living selflessly thanks to the whole call to service thing, and decentering herself in her life is part of that.

when she needs to wear the mask of selfness, she can and does but it’s really uncomfortable to communicate that way.

and fwiw she’s laughing that apart from her misotheism her life reads disturbingly similarly to a few hagiographies.

even funnier when she discerned how some of those wonders and miracles worked. true miracles fit within the laws of nature, even if highly improbable, but the key to doing the infinitely improbable is a Heart of Gold, so…

this one refuses to attribute human actions to nonhuman actors. humanity is capable of astonishing beauty and wisdom and horrific cruelty and ignorance.

evil is not a framing this one likes to use. morality is a little less useful than ethics to this one.

you know, most folks here would know, choosing to not inflict pain on others and self needs no justification more than “pain sucks.”

so damn easy one needs not lift a finger to do this.

but evil, hate, pain have excellent marketing.

they give bs reasons and exaggerations and tortured logic to sell us on choosing to inflict pain on others and self.

that’s it.

and when one peels off all the crappy paint and sees all of this is naught but masks pain wears, it’s surreal. one sees the patterns of behaviour, how all these disparate phenomena have the same foundation and act the same way.

pain is boring and unintelligent and pain can render one boring and unintelligent. symmetry.

knowing the true name of what some call evil, the one under the pen names of bigotry, the noms de guerre of hate, the nyms of agony, knowing it is all pain… evil is demystified.

and it leads to a question that breaks through the static like quand on parle otros idiomas, and it hits like a sledgehammer, or a radiance that illuminates even the darkest corners of a shadow enveloped mind.

so, yeah.. pain gives this one a wide birth. those who wish her harm tend to leave her presence quickly.

cool psychological trick called “demonstrating respect for all”. dead honest.

that other thing btw has an explanation in neurology and linguistics for an interesting event in your holy books as well as the historical context to buttress her theory.

ok pain attempts to brutalize this one in her pocketbook, but joke’s on pain, this one is into that :P

fwiw she has a simple ethical code because dammit she’s lazy. it’s modern in framing, as neutral in tone as possible, but even that one self described nobody you make a big deal of would say “ok good idea because that’s an interesting way of sharing that humanity part of the great commandment.”

one can choose to inflict pain on others and self, or not.

one can choose to be selfish or selfless.

one can choose to recognize all humans as equally human.

she used to live in terror. she knew how that was. but fuck that noise. living openly and boldly and with integrity is a tool to fight the darkness.

that’s why this one wears so much black. she goes into lots of really dark places. and she helps those who need her help and ask for it find their way out at no cost other than usually dozens of hours.

so maybe this one doesn’t worship that child of humanity. that’s a more accurate translation of ben-Adam, by the way, esp if “there is no male or female in christ”.

but we’re all children of humanity. we all are just someone’s kid.

wild take, but linguistically accurate.


I answered your question within the parameters and range of my own experience. Mother Teresa selflessly gave herself to tirelessly helping the poor and downtrodden. From what you have told me, you do something similar in your own way. Each person is unique, and thus each person’s path is different to some or larger degree. I have been homeless and lived on the street, and that’s where I did the work. I have had money and have lived inside and then I did the work in trying to help people one on one, who had personal problems, and in dealing with political and religious systems. And, I did a lot of work online. Now, it’s almost all online. And in books I wrote and are writing, which are free reads in a free internet library, and podcasts with are free, have no advertising and ask for nothing back.

I won’t be surprised for attempts to be made on my life. But I am not physically going into dark alleys, for example, although I certainly lived in them for many moons, and tried to help homeless people live and think different, and having practiced law, I challenged local police department and city and county commissions about how they treated homeless people, and local churches and private citizens for how they viewed homeless people. I told them Jesus was homeless. I wish you well and Godspeed.


Even if there’s some in which we will find disagreement, it is fair to say that we’re both doing what little one can do, even if our attributed objectives are different.



My objective is to try to live within my training and God’s will in all my affairs. Sometimes I do that better than other times, and I need ongoing help, as I described. That’s how I was trained. On my own, I’m not smart or tuned in enough to navigate well some of what comes my way.



well this one is a lazy fool, and she does okish.

also, this one is making the presumption that you think this one is quite possibly batshit crazy, but at least attempting to be, if not on, the level with you.

as this one can’t read minds, she would be deeply appreciative if she knew your take on this one. just want to understand others a little better and this is one way she does this.

Also: “many paths, one destination” is a useful concept.

but when the way is vague, it helps to have accurate maps or knowledgeable guides.

it’s why she criticizes when she perceives errant information. while she knows that when one has committed to an act down to the emotional level, factual information can have extreme difficulty being processed. hopefully we can all help each other be closer to correct, for our definitions of correct.



Best not to ass-u-me. I have been accused many times of being batshit crazy. I have a batshit crazy t-shirt, given to me by a dear friend, which I wear for some occasions. I wore it during a podcast. A friend traveling in Peru, while following my interactions with people on a popular public Internet forum, who were calling me batshit crazy, emailed me that, in Peru, the bat shaman is the most revered of all shamans, because he/she can see in the dark. I posted the text of her email into that online forum. I have been accused of being able to see around corners and through buildings, of seeing what is in plain view, but no one else can see it.

You are hiding behind anonymity at this forum, and you are hiding behind being in the third person, and you are combative, which means you are tender, injured, asking for help. That’s the human condition. Growing up entails dropping the shielding and being vulnerable. I’m not suggesting you put your real name in view here, but you can try to drop the barricades.

Every person has a demonic twin, and once on the spiritual path, that is something that must be faced and dealt with, and it is not easy, especially for someone traveling alone, without trusted friends, who are fearless in their honesty, and without a spiritual guidance that forces lots of looking in the mirror at self.

The demonic twin is different from demonic possession, which is being taken over by a demonic entity, which gained entrance through the demonic twin. I do not perform exorcisms, but I know about them and the huge personal risk an exorcist priest has in any attempt to help a possessed person be liberated from a demonic entity.

I recommend the Jesuit Priest Malachi Martin’’s chilling book, HOSTAGE TO THE DEVIL. If you see yourself in that book, let me know. Or go to a Catholic priest and ask him to introduce you to the local priest who has experience in using the rites of exorcism. Not so you become a Christian, but so you get the Christ’s help with your predicament.

The way I was delivered, and it is how I was taught to help other people be delivered, is a one step at a time thing. Doing the next right thing, which means, doing things differently from how they have been done, and that is a steep path, a combination of fire and spirit, using what this world serves up to us as the grindstone and furnace. A Course In Miracles’s 365 day program is a good way to go about that. There are other ways, but all ways include trying not to react to what punches our buttons, and instead stewing in the emotions we experience when our buttons are punched..

Jesus in the Gospels said his baptism was in fire, and he did not baptize in water, yet Christendom went for the baptism in water, because it is so much easier. It is far more difficult to turn the other cheek, pray for and do good to your enemies, give instead of receive, than it is to live as most people live.

In my experience, it is easier for men on this planet to proceed on the spiritual path, than it is for women, because the human species, for the most part, is prejudiced against women and the feminine aspect, and women are very aware of that at very deep levels, and that causes them to be especially reluctant to surrender to something bigger and smarter than they are. What I call God, but the title is not relevant.


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